Tuesday, July 8, 2014

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POPULAR ARTICLES Laptop One Million Dollars! Celebrities in Action trip to the park! Celebrity Twitter Ban Response! Elven Berk, The New York Times The new iPhone - iPhone 5S - What You Should Know About
Twitter shame on you users when they renew at 20:40 page as "a technical error" There were faced with a warning. Occasional no later than ten seconds after this warning that Twitter düzeltiyordu.fakat this time the situation is a little more farklı.zir problem still continues.
Twitter access shame on you sağlayamany users, the problem about the content wondered içerisindeler.yapıl early predictions term Berk's Farewell's death in connection with the protests goal of preventing censorship thoughts to mind getirdi.twitt 's such a long error problem today with the tragedies of loss of It would be wrong, shame on you but I do not know how to link these two cases occurred in the same day is undoubtedly quite ironic. Google+
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