Creation have become more mature 哈察 amount of work also extends to the theater, "Masquerade" (Masquerade) is that he plays the soundtrack of the same name made for the Russian writer Raymond Akhmetov (Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov), and was written in 1939-1941 years. Content hypocrisy corruption and fraud scoring period of debauchery Imperial Russian nobility. The story describes 1830s, ownership Eerbinning kai beautiful extra 3 and faithful wife Nina Tong Fu Masquerade. Dance in the Duke Cabernet 兹奇 Baroness flirting with masked, at the end of the dance, Baroness whim, to the meeting room, the Keepers of a bracelet as a gift. Originally, only the bracelet's owner is Nina, her hands are wearing the same paragraph there is a bracelet at the venue accidentally lost. Later, Aerbinning found Duke Take this bracelet and suspicious, but Duke also found that only Nina also wore another identical bracelets, flirt with their mistaken for Nina. Baroness only informed in order to tease Duke, encouraged him to write love letters to Nina, is not expected to be Eerbinning love letter found in all sorts of jealous actually extra 3 kill his wife under angrily.
"Gayane" (Gayane) is 哈察 are another famous ballet amount, this ballet music experienced a 1939 edition, three times a modified 1942 version and the 1957 version. 1939 edition entitled "Happiness" (Schastye), the heroine who is not Gayane, extra 3 the recommendations by the Politburo of the CPSU Mikoyan (Anastas Mikoyan), for the quarter and the Armenian artistic creation. In the prototype on the basis of this ballet, extra 3 adapted into a 1942 edition after the story rewritten to work for Avaya border kibbutz story of a young girl Gayane, Gayane at this time as a married woman, she was denounced by spies husband. This version of the change, when the Soviet Union began to unfold in 1941 "Great Patriotic War" (Great Patriotic extra 3 War) to resist Nazi Germany's invasion, preaching patriotism concerned, extra 3 this version in the same year in December in Leningrad premiere, extra 3 by the famous Soviet Seamus dancer Anita baby (Nina Anisimova) starring debut, extra 3 deep success.
Until 1957 edition, Gayane has transformed into a love of unmarried girls. In the final version, Hacha are also on the amount of dance music and the plot made drastic changes, only a few dance dance nature extra 3 is preserved. This version of "Gayane," the story to the effect that: Transcaucasian Kurdish village in the brave hunter Armen and girls Gayane extra 3 love, Armen friends Gaiaoerge then Asya love with the girl. One day, lively Asya stole Armen ready to give Gayane flowers, and with Armen dance. This scene was Gaiaoerge saw misunderstood as Armen Crosses. So when Armen mountains to hunt, accidentally fell from the cliff, the Gaiaoerge actually depends not save. After Armen injured, blind, he would not thus causing 雅涅 misfortune, restrain their emotions, cruel refusal Gayane love. Fortunately, later Armen sight, and forgive deeply regret, publicly admit mistakes Gaiaoerge final form and Gayane extra 3 happy couples.
Since the 1942 edition Poor loved, Hacha had in 1943 will have the amount of the play's musical Selected as "Gayane Suite three" extra 3 (3 Suites extra 3 from Gayane). Three Suite includes 12 songs, especially in the first suite of the first song <Sword Dance> (Sabre Dance) is best known. The sound of drums and bells in faster and faster, breathless rhythm, horn rudely scream, extra 3 just a short intermediate saxophone and cello brief delicate, swaying extra 3 rhythm and was quickly trampled. <Sword Dance> extra 3 originally create an atmosphere before boarding the plane, showing the Kurdish section of the sturdy character dance. The 1957 edition, and the second shift is near the end of the third act of the music, after blindness Armen restore vision, Gayane into his arms, dance music villagers when their blessings.
With the stalemate war against Germany, the Soviet army depleted manpower and resources, and actively fighting.哈察 all amounts described in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, "Second Symphony" (Symphony No.2, also known as "bell symphony" The Bell Symphony) It is in this atmosphere, created out in 1943. Modifications done this year in March by the high g (A. Gauk) command of the Soviet extra 3 State Symphony extra 3 Orchestra premiered in Moscow, most acclaimed, in 1945 won the first prize in the Stalin Prize. Works exhibited heroic Soviet people extra 3 in the war fought battle with the enemy, but also celebrate the great patriotism of the Soviet people, among them endless grief face scorched earth, but also a tribute to the heroes, first and last movements are due to the use of bells to strengthen song effect, so again, "bell" as an alias.
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