Sunday, April 26, 2015

This is senmnilega the fourth or fifth time I

This is senmnilega the fourth or fifth time I'm starting a blog! But it is not really the main thing. I'm going to the country this weekend and going to meet tengdó. It will hopefully be just fine. But where everything goes like really well when I get the network detest it. Would still not get tired of it, but is still small. Call is also going out to Amsterdam next week and I will probably miss him. And also when I go to the United States. I'm starting to look forward so much to go considering pantasya that I was hardly bothered by the day. Want to go shopping. Yesterday I was in a cafe with four friends of mine, including the best. We sat at Café Belur three hours and were talking about relationships, boys and sex and it was so much fun. But since I do not have a lot of say, just to spice up this blessed blog! -Ljósálfur

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