Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The book, however, bears the signature of the

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I do not write books for children as storytellers. crazy in love The latest installment of three Czech authors, one illustrator and bold imprint shows that even if the author is not the narrators are classic children's story, the result may be funny and memorable.
Can you imagine a book from Viewegh that would be for children? For those who do not know him to be included in the novel's author, for example, for women, an angel of everyday life or of travelers. crazy in love Publisher can not imagine not knowing. Cooperation devised three Czech writers who never written crazy in love together. And agree with them, that will not bring a book for young people or adults simply nothing that would have written previously. Goal was clear - children reading. crazy in love
Something like that into a book Three Dads and mother of three leading authors - Viewegh, Paul Šruta and Martin Reiner. Reiner and Viewegh already have a common book. Both contributed to the book Stories about men. Even in the latest crazy in love children's book is a short story, although fabulous, they have a common line and characters.
work. Therefore, the publisher came up with the central motif are marvelous creatures crazy in love that in this story represents the mother. And so prominent Czech writers together and created their own. It is what is common to all stories. In addition to mother, however, the authors crazy in love jointly created you and other family members.
Viewegh, Šruta and Reiner then wrote his story about each one period of life the very finest magical creatures - mother. The results are humorous stories in which children will not get bored. Boredom, but not even count the parents. The authors did not deny the fact and they left something for them. Book writers to smuggle several of its ironic or sarcastic remarks.
The book, however, bears the signature of the "mother" story - Galina Miklínová. The book illustrated. Her pictures but only nedotvárajú book are part of it and helping to better the authors narrate fairy tales.
From our kitchen
Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015
Again to Trnava
27. 4. 2015

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