Friday, January 24, 2014

Small children are often restless when intimidated by apoto, bogey or another fictional character.

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Small children are often restless when intimidated by apoto, bogey or another fictional character. And to me had happened when my daughter was little and when I would not sleep with to scare apoto. Of course not intentional, but somehow the habit as a template. For a short time I knew you actually do and interrupted. And do not allow others to fear. I think this way of calming can leave serious consequences. You can instill fear which later evolved harder. Here we share our experiences on this topic. Petra Moderator Posts: 3216 Joined: November 17, 2009, 20:50 Location: God's Kingdom He likes: kids jokes 1137 I liked: 824
I do not use such terms. Although sometimes we can not deal with children, we are all going, but bullying with unrealistic things wrong. In general, fear does not solve problems. kids jokes Like me little afraid to eat, and I know how scared ... My mother told me that if you eat dojdel natemago'''' (the devil). Even at night scared (scared). It told me that my uncle was in prison he did not eat. I 10 years ago I thought my uncle was really in jail (only I was sure that it was due to not eating (laugh1)), kids jokes and when I asked my mother why he was in prison I iznasmea for inaccurate information, ie . uncle was never in prison (smile). Annabel Home Member Posts: kids jokes 672 Joined: November 9, 2009, 21:21 I like it: 0 I liked: 9
I'll quote Boblijata God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, peace and a healthy mind. Fear is something that in no way should be encourages parents, it can lead to that child to grow up in a fearful and insecure person. Me me these things are very repulsive, parents need to find another approach for the child to understand things and to respect his authority, rather than fear the APA, grandmother rogi etc.. (Fr) really believe that fears can leave a very bad consequences. Debora Administrator Posts: 12926 Joined: September 22, 2009, 16:24 I like: I like 4607: 3043
Debora wrote: I'll quote Boblijata: God does not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, peace and a healthy mind. Fear is something that in no way should be encourages parents, it can lead to that child to grow up in a fearful and insecure person. Me me these things are very repulsive, parents need to find another approach for the child to understand things and to respect his authority, kids jokes rather than fear the APA, grandmother rogi etc.. (Fr) really believe kids jokes that fears can leave a very bad consequences. Signature (thumbup) do not practice but barely struggling to overcome the fears that already own in its glavichka are created from various different sources. I still miss dolivam kids jokes (scared) fifi New Member Posts: 11 Joined: May 3, 2010, 17:12 Location: here I'd like it: 0 I liked: 0
Koga bev mala me plasea so "staro kupujem" Veruvajte deka do den denes koga ke go slusnam kako vika mornici mi pominuvaat. E sega kerka mi ne davam nikoj da ja plasi so nisto, no vo posledno vreme imame edna cudna situacija :) Site deca se plasat od bubata, od baba roga, moevo dete se plasi od LJUPCO. I Ljupco ne e nekoj konkreten lik, ama bas nieden kids jokes ljupco ne poznava, od kade ie toa nemam pojma. "Ljupco tropa ... Ljupco dojde ..." A jas i vikam "mama ne se plasi ti mama e tuka ke go istepame ljupco" I taa sama si odi po doma i vika "Ljupco begaj, mama bam bam" Saricka New Member Posts: 23 Joined: 24 Feb 2011 17:43 Location: ohrid I like it: 0 I liked: kids jokes 0
I'm frightened that something against someone would do such-taking, etc., But when is not that clever I say old kupuem will take you toys and give clever children do not. (Thumbsup) JasminaJN Home Member Posts: 907 Joined: May 9, 2011, 14:18 I like it: 0 I liked: 2
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