Friday, January 2, 2015

Although he did not have a particularly high soaping about Croats and Croatian mentality, and he wr

Although he did not have a particularly high soaping about Croats and Croatian mentality, and he wrote pages and pages of controversy and even outrage at the expense of the same, Moley certainly would not have complained about their status najveeg and best. After all, for the life he himself partially built, using for it and his close friendship with Josip Broz Tito. It is therefore violate the only options in the early fifties prologue cartman century rid of the then Yugoslav art policy dictates imposed socialist realism, just as it was founded and one of vanijih institutions humanists sciences in this region, Lexicographic Institute, which today bears his name.
On the other hand the KRLE loomed as teak cloud over the whole Croatian knjievnost, so it is no wonder that his Critics reported, predominantly after Pieve death. Today, it is a versatile cartman author, who wrote with equal success drama, poetry and prose, predominantly lektirni writer, over whose is Filip Latinovicz mue generation srednjokolaca. Miroslav violate became a sort knjievni monument, and his delusional act like it was at the stage of a long winter sleep. All are aware that it is an inseparable and vaan part of Croatian culture, but only few know it today with KRLE. Therefore, be sure to be welcomed appearance of the book "Mnogopotovanoj gentlemen cartman ants", published by OUP. Behind krleijanskog title hides in fact the last great interview this writer gave the media, and the Belgrade radio journalist Milou Jevtié.
The year was 1977 when Jevti addressed Krleis a request for an interview on the show "The Second Program Guest", which is ugoavao famous cultural workers, as the artists of one kind or called in Yugoslavia. Jevti first wrote a letter explains why wants to do an interview with KRLE, that old age is not often Otherwise performed in public. Soon he got the answer: "One day I called the secretary and chief editor says to call me mate violate. I thought I will get back to me some of his secretary and refuse interview. But on the other side of the connection was he himself, it surprised me. KRLE told me that he had received my letter, but he did not want to talk, because they already have, he said, 77 offer for an interview. He added that he did not plant the interview! " cartman
Like any good journalist, Milo Jevti did not intend to give up so easily, so posluio and small ruse to violate got from the interview. Specifically, offered, cartman on the advice of Stipe guards, interview White KRLE, which is the result Konan was very pleased, and then her husband began premiljati. Jevtic was then asked about how the whole interview technique performed, among others, and because this one was in Zagreb, and the other in Belgrade: "violate asked is it possible that someone second read his answers. I said yes, and he then He proposed Radu erbediju, it is very convenient to me, because he was at the peak of popularity. "After it was agreed that Krleine cartman answers reads his favorite actor , Jevti be serious and began to prepare for an interview, which finally took place two to three years after the first application. Had read the discussions that led to the writer Predrag Matvejevi, and in the end it turned out to violate a wedding guest to ask, but that he has a wedding guest to answer: "When he finally accepted the conversation , Moley is completely relaxed. Once he even called in four hours in the night to me net pie. At the end of the interview with him aired in a record eight parts, that aired for eight weeks. "
Jevtievog exhaustive cartman interviews with KRLE, which the writer is approached with complete cartman otvorenou, when he finally agreed to be interviewed, is also evident in its printed edition. "Mnogopotovanoj gentlemen cartman ants" so counts three hundred pages, and Krleinim answers can be naii quotes from his previously published articles. During the broadcast the interview was a cultural sensation, recalled Jevti: "listeners to emerge and ask questions. They thought I guess that violate sit somewhere in the studio and pie all the answers. After the broadcast has appeared cartman in several newspaper wanted to publish an interview. I asked KRLE is that all right, and he can recommend a fight. "The choice of fighting, notes Jevti, was sluajan, because it was the word of the socialist daily newspaper that has always been a bit outside party orthodoxy. Miroslav violate, to the very end was a staunch communist, died a year after the broadcast of the interview, so there was no time for the usual controversy that this writer challenged. From todays perspective it is fascinating to read because it was on Yugoslavia, which at the time consisted of the first months after Tito's death, I thought one of the leading intellectuals of her. Of course, violate the least of all stories about politics, and many vieo art and life as such, revealing and in some new ways.
But the question is how today violate vaan, was

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