Sunday, June 8, 2014

Gynecologist: It is quite possible. That ovulation occurs, we do not need the desire to have childr

> Subscribe to Cosmopolitan Sex & relationships Men Fashion Beauty Health Career Spotlight Stars only for you Menstruation Forum Astro Recommended: Beware of Job! Dating Girl With Style Holiday Games Released in the magazine 10 3 2014 at 7:10 ... Let us say something about your backup plan
"Morning-after pill that can be bought without a prescription tablets, which do not pose a medical risk even with repeated use, even though it is for them can be very bad. In any case, there is a reason why the morning-after pill does not belong to contraception. If you have one year of regular sexual intercourse and to pill the next morning used as the only form of birth control should your risk of pregnancy is around 20 percent - quite high compared to other methods., if you use it often, it may be time to addresses contraception, which is more suitable for you. " Are you your body wants to get pregnant?
We are all created for reproduction, but can beat its internal pražensko. Cosmo: One of the four women who were interviewed, agreed: "When my time to have a baby, will already happened." Does your brain subconsciously every woman wishes to become pregnant?
Gynecologist: It is quite possible. That ovulation occurs, we do not need the desire to have children. We need only sexual relations that our genes are passed on to the next generation. Cosmo: Does our body can be 'switched off' if it is not a good time for it to get pregnant?
Gynecologist: Only in extreme circumstances - for example prestradanost or war. But not in the case of sex for one night or accidents seth meyers with contraception. It's not even in cases of rape. Cosmo: have sex even when you do not want a baby ...
Gynecologist: People can have sex whenever we want, so sex is not just for reproduction. There is nothing wrong with him just enjoying it - between good sex in your body releases a whole cocktail of hormones that relax and happy. seth meyers Cosmo: Does evolutionary seth meyers instinct affect our sexual desire?
Gynecologist: It affects our choice of men. Women during ovulation does not say: "I want to get pregnant with that man because he has good genes." Simply have strong men attractive and arouse. Cosmo: Is there a greater chance that we will, during their fertile period, she said, "Eh, let's do it without a condom?"
Gynecologist: On this issue have not yet done the research, but when women do more things seth meyers that could lead to sexual intercourse - repeatedly opt for fun or drinking alcohol. Cosmo: Can you keep a conscious goal, we will not get pregnant if your body is subconsciously wishes otherwise?
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