Was 9.august. My birthday was three days overdue. I have become a custom track birthday next 12 days, as they symbolize the upcoming 12 months. Called Ralf suggested .... and by the way go to Mexico. Mexico? Mexico! A joke we? No, he is going and thought that one would go for it with a smaller pundiga. Well, uh, I do not have the time nor the money. And spring will go to Spain's long-awaited pilgrimages. How do I get it to go to Mexico??? As I had said that, the little voice in my head, chuckled and said, "So-so, again, setting myself limits, yes?" Lately I've been through this voice quite well, so I stayed to discuss this idea further. And I realized that all the restrictions are only in our heads. Never anywhere else. I made the call quickly, Ralf, and gave out that, of course, I'll be in Mexico.
I did not know much about the past in Mexico. If so, that tiny black people living there - the Mexicans. joke That there are pyramids and the Indians, I think the rain forests. The Caribbean, where some go on vacation. Such a very hazy knowledge. I had never had the sense to go there. As it turned out, after I had a need to go there right now. Exactly Ralfiga and our group, who had a total of 15 people. joke
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