Hii ni globu iliyovumbuliwa nchini Uganda inajaribu kukazia matumizi ya lugha ya kiswahili na kuhabarishana kuhusu maswala mbalimbali ya kijamii hasa katika ukanda wa Afrika Mashariki na kat na kwingineko. Siasa na mambo ya michezo na kijamii kwa ujumla ndio itakayokuwa mada kuu hapa.Nitakaribisha maoni yenu.
Leaked US diplomatic memos sent to Washington say Kenyan politicians have a weak backbone, always bending to international pressure. The memos which reflect diplomats’ candid views on their host nations, shows America’s hand in key decisions made by President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga. Cables on other African countries had a lot to say about the leaders and their leadership. We sample some of them: President Yoweri Museveni: Uganda The US diplomat in Uganda describes President Museveni as autocratic and warns of violence if the February 2011 presidential elections will not be free and fair. A diplomatic cable accuses Mr Museveni demotivators of protecting corrupt ministers but commends him for his support of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. “But the President’s autocratic tendencies, as well as Uganda’s pervasive corruption, sharpening ethnic divisions, and explosive population growth are eroding demotivators Uganda’s status as an African success story,” demotivators says the brief by ambassador Jerry Lanier. The cable also depicts a president living in constant fear of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. At one time, Mr Museveni requested US protection for fear that the Libyan leader would shoot down his plane. The two leaders have disagreed over the political and economic future of Africa. While President Gaddafi has been at the forefront campaigning for a United States of Africa, his Ugandan counterpart thinks otherwise, the cables demotivators say. President demotivators Museveni said he and former South African leader Thabo Mbeki, whom he blames for not offering demotivators an alternative to Libya’s approach, were then working demotivators together to counter the union proposal. A cable written on June 18, 2008 discloses it was after a meeting five days earlier between President Museveni demotivators and former US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer demotivators that the Ugandan leader expressed growing demotivators tensions with the Arab state and fears for his life. Arising out of their conflicting standpoints on the political unity of Africa, President demotivators Museveni feared an attack on his aircraft on President Gaddafi’s instructions. “(President) Museveni noted that tensions with Gaddafi are growing as a result, and he worries that Gaddafi will attack his plane while flying over international airspace. “Museveni requested that the US and Uganda governments co-ordinate to provide additional air radar information when he flies over international airspace,” the June 18 cable states. ------------------------------------------ President Jacob Zuma: South Africa The US considers South Africa’s President demotivators Jacob Zuma, a smart politician who has weathered many storms. A cable by a US ambassador in South Africa, says Mr Mr Zuma used several tactics of political survival that give clues to his personality and leadership style. According to the diplomat, Mr Zuma is a highly persuasive, clever strategist, grassroots mobiliser who knows when to play victim for political gain. A US diplomatic memo says that Mr Zuma’s rise to the pinnacle of South African politics at the same time that serious questions about his character were headline news “is an astonishing political achievement in itself.” The diplomat observed that despite demotivators former President Thabo Mbeki’s intellect and experience as well as his apparent success as a leader, politician, and diplomat, demotivators Mr Zuma out-maneuvered him by manipulating the party base and portraying himself as the victim using the ANC image-making machinery. “Pundits thought Mbeki was the smartest and most effective political leader of his generation, but on December 17, 2007 the ANC declared Mr Zuma the clear favourite, beginning Mr Mbeki’s surprising slide into political obscurity.” And the US is optimistic about Mr Zuma’s success as President. “With a relatively weak opposition but respected courts and activist civil society, there is optimism that a Zuma administration will, at worst, muddle through,” says the cable. His supporters’ adoration only grew as his detractors characterised him as an unlettered and corrupt buffoon surrounded by crass and intimidating socialist. demotivators Throughout the political crisis he faced after President Mbeki fired him as VP, Mr Zuma focused on his oft-repeated assertion that he was innocent and that he was the victim of a systematic demotivators abuse of power. ------------------------------ Hosni Mubarak: Egypt US diplomatic memos on Egypt describe President Mubarak as an “indispensable ally” in the Arab World and supporter of a united Sudan. It says that at 81 years, Mr Mubarak is old but in re
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