Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Oysters appreciate both men and women, not only for the taste, but also for the properties. After a

Compatible products: tasty and healthy
Modern scientists and nutritionists seem to know all about food: and its composition, and its calorie content, and its significance for the human body. But why do we fills your stomach all in a row, without hesitation, than it threatens us? There is such a thing as compatible products. But combined, theonion they must not only and not so much for giving certain taste, but in order to bring the greatest benefits to the body. Our knowledge in this area is usually limited to the following: you can not eat cucumber, washed down with milk - about the consequences of the food experiment, not even trying it, everyone knows! "But if you use incompatible types of food, it's all the same, that is, composed poison ...", according to Tibetan doctors. So it is and what you can eat, and to make it tasty and healthy?
Unexpected duet, is not it? Beef tenderloin is very rich in iron. Namely, theonion iron is part of hemoglobin. Iron deficiency decreases immunity, appetite, fatigue and apathy overcomes. Therefore, twice a week, pamper yourself juicy piece of beef and a couple of his nutritionists have defined a mango. You can just drink a glass of juice or eat a mango fruit in a salad. One mango contains a daily dose of vitamin C, which helps the iron effectively assimilated by our body. Just do not wash down the meat of coffee - caffeine interfere with the process of absorption of iron.
Oysters appreciate both men and women, not only for the taste, but also for the properties. After all, oysters are considered a strong aphrodisiac, thanks to the high content theonion of zinc, which increases libido and sperm production. And so he learned body, oysters need to pour lemon juice. Trace elements potassium, magnesium and zinc contained in oysters, stimulate the immune system and metabolism, theonion and the combination theonion of citric acid and malic acid (which is also found in lemon) promote their assimilation.
Lemon - only 31 kcal per 100 grams, and oysters - per serving (6 pieces) - 250 calories. By the way, servings oysters zinc content three times greater than the daily norm of about 70 milligrams. Lemon added to green tea, a fivefold increase in the amount of antioxidants.
Perfect breakfast. Buckwheat not applicable to cereal and therefore requires prolonged digestion in the stomach. Comprises magnesium, which provides the absorption of calcium from milk products. With the morning breakfast will be especially productive for people engaged theonion in mental activity. In 100 grams of buckwheat theonion cereal contains 329 calories and 100 grams of milk - 58 calories.
The benefits of sauerkraut can talk endlessly. It included "inflorescence" almost all existing vitamins and minerals. In addition, lactic and acetic acids suppress the development of putrefactive bacteria in our intestines, cleaning and disinfecting it. Tartronic acid interferes with sugar and other carbohydrates are converted into fat, and nicotinic acid gives shine to hair and strengthens nails. But there is a cabbage unpleasant for human property - it causes flatulence. To avoid this, add the cabbage caraway. Essential oil carvone contained therein, gives the cabbage pleasant smell and taste, exciting appetite theonion and promotes good digestion, preventing gas formation. At 100 grams of cabbage just 14 calories! But this is actually calorie theonion cabbage, as well as its customary to eat with butter, theonion then keep in mind that one tablespoon of butter adds 140 calories cabbage immediately (see. Also "Products that can not be eaten").
The yoghurt contains a lot of calcium, theonion and his body better absorb help apricots, thanks fruit acids malic, citric and tartaric. A beta-carotene apricots with the participation of yoghurt fat turns into vitamin A. Because of this "neighborhood", improves our immune system and vision, and the skin is protected from premature aging.
There are harmful, but very tasty foods. Rather, they become detrimental that, thanks to the way of processing and composition. But we love them and, of course, eat. And in this case to protect your health and not to harm him, help all the same compatibility.
Meats has long fell into disgrace at nutritionists and are not advised to eat even completely healthy people, in order to avoid problems with weight, digestive disorders and metabolism. However, sometimes you can treat yourself to a sausage if you have it paired with French mustard with grains (Dijon Musturd). It contains glucosinolates substances that stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, making it easier to digest this hard to stomach food.
Special mention should be noted these substances - glucosinolates. They are contained in cruciferous vegetables: Cabbages, Brussels sprouts, theonion cauliflower, kale, broccoli, mustard, horseradish, rutabaga, turnips, watercress, etc. Glucosinolates, and together with them and the products containing them, have unique properties significantly reduce the risk of cancer; promote apoptosis (

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