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I return to the great political farce and this economic tragicomedy that is the non-public redneck crazy spending cuts and budget deficits. To constantly push the deadline of righting a welfare redneck crazy state bankrupt and on the verge of bankruptcy, Valls rejects what he calls the "austerity" (which, moreover, asks even: it just requires discipline and fiscal discipline). But as he knows that the French are terrified of the word "austerity", he shakes like a red rag to do nothing and continuously postpone the recovery at a later date. What he does not say is that this cursed austerity, it inflicts the French club that tax, when in fact it never accepts the State that stubbornly refuses to tighten their belts. So when we refuse to reduce the size of government, what is left to further align the slates? It's simple: there is taxation, borrowing, and ... reducing benefits. And in any case, it will hurt.
As for taxes, the French have already given. Taxpayers have just received their tax forms and do probably more too look for more of that side. Otherwise they will buy all red caps for the winter. After fought at the time, the authority is considering a so-called social VAT to fill its empty coffers, but again, it is possible that despite the adjective "social" consumers already ratiboisés do not really appreciate a new tax! As they have more confidence redneck crazy and are afraid of the future, the French put their savings aside, but they know that the state greedily eyeing to this manna dormant and that the theft of savings is not far (good Europe has already redneck crazy planned everything from that side with direct drain on bank accounts).
As for loans, the state-who-never give up-to-spend has propelled the debt to 2,000 billion to bring it to around 95% of GDP! Obviously there is fire to the lake and if you and I were indebted to this point, we would stop borrowing immediately tearing our credit card. But, you see, our socialist énarques think differently and as with debt that future redneck crazy generations are paying the slates, redneck crazy they laugh as the year 40 to further increase the debt again. It allows you to continue to spend blithely: for you are debts to pay, but for them it's ballot. So why give it up?
Social benefits, allowances, subsidies, bonuses of all kinds (age, health, redneck crazy family, unemployment, poverty, disability, etc.) correspond to the payments of money the welfare state considers as corresponding to "social objectives ". That's the advantage of the welfare state and it is obviously perfect ... Well, as long as there is growth, the state is rich and there is money to be distributed. But when there is more growth and that public coffers are empty, then there is problem. In 2010, these benefits were of the order of 430 billion, or 22% of GDP. What's happening after you when there is more money in the public coffers and the state is bankrupt? Well valves close slowly and the State refused to reform itself is footing the bill for his negligence to his dispossessed citizens: it decreases the value of the pension point, decreasing reimbursements Social Security reduces benefits , dérembourse medicines, borrows even to pay the salaries of its employees!
One day soon, inevitably, Valls, redneck crazy eyes red with tears, redneck crazy we will announce the end of the socialist welfare state. When this happens austerity imposed (the Greeks experienced it), the only question will be who will be penalized first: redneck crazy the old? disabled? families? young people? We'll see ... Anyway when the coffers are empty and that the money is not coming, it is the benefits that are affected first.
In your opinion, what are the benefits they will fall first? The
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