If unsuccessful first run, then call it version 1.0. I never have a program funny one liners bug. Functional funny one liners characteristics of those just developed random. funny one liners Hey! Compiled by the! Hurriedly packaged and released! The code is difficult to debug code that you know that there can be wrong. My point is not wrong, but is still in the beta release. Beware of programmers with a screwdriver. COBOL programmers understand why women hate cycle. Today was a programmer and programming competitions God, programmers attempt to develop a greater fool will come out with better software, and God can always create more 'big' more 'good' fool, so God total win. Starting at resuscitation programmers understand 'let the program up and running' differences and 'a running program' between. I do not like social networking, but user-friendly enough. If Ruby is a Perl is not the answer, you do not understand the problem. The more IC, the less I see. Programming is like sex, one mistake and you need to use the remaining lifetime maintenance support. I want to change the world, but I do not have the source code. If you give a program, you make him frustrated one day; If you teach him to be programmed, you make him a lifetime of frustration. Programmers coffee into code tool. Programming is 10% science, 20% creativity, and 70% make it consistent with the scientific creativity. Computer stronger than the pen, fencing funny one liners strong, often stronger than programmers.
Programmers nature - Allen - Yeeyan - Computer / Network / Digital Technology Source What do programmers really do a lot of people (including me-in-law) that computers have become so smart, so in the near future will no longer need a programmer? .. Others think programmers are geniuses, they are constantly funny one liners in front of the computer funny one liners can solve complex funny one liners mathematical problems in this article, I want to give people the knowledge to explain funny one liners programmers in the end what is done: human biological evolution product, and has a unique and valuable organ - the brain, it can provide ideas for programmers combination of complex brain neocortex (unique to humans), as well as inherited from mammals and reptiles. funny one liners The old structure of the old brain structures primarily responsible for reproductive (sex) and survival (finding food or avoiding danger) neocortex evolved to be better able to support these functions, however, it began to produce strange side effects funny one liners -. consciousness, thinking and curiosity.
How to interview a programmer? - Bluesnail - Ruan Yifeng web log someone Hacker News discussion area, request advice, how to find qualified people who have ideas in the interview, there are a lot of high-quality replies, I feel quite inspired on finishing. out of the following article. assume you three questions in the previous section, already have a clear idea, then the next question of how we can design. * Multi mention some open (Open-ended) questions, and not the kind with Yes / No questions can be answered. funny one liners doing so gives you the chance to discuss with the interviewer, and made follow-up questions, to understand each other as much as possible, because the interviewer is not much time to think, it is not comprehensive answer, you will not judge his capability. To confirm the interviewer is competent, you can ask some professional aspects and job-related for example, your Job is a system administrator, you can ask. " How quickly deploy Linux on 50 machines.
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The nature of programmers - Tiger - something a lot of people (including me-in-law) that computers have become so smart, so in the near future will no longer need programmers others think is genius programmer, computer before they can continue. solve complex mathematical problems funny one liners in this article, I want to give people the knowledge to explain programmers in the end is what to do: Human beings are the product of biological evolution, and has a unique and valuable organ - the brain, it can provides programmers with ideas. brain has a complex combination neocortex (unique to humans), as well as inherited from the old structure of mammals and reptiles. old brain structures primarily responsible for reproductive (sex) and survival ( find food or avoid danger) neocortex evolved to be able to better support funny one liners these features, however, it began to produce strange side effects - .. consciousness, thinking and curiosity thanks to the impact of these side effects, and human civilization produced in several years after the invention of the computer.
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Programmer's tool-SourceInsight funny one liners - Alex - blog Park - HOME original essence district to make adjustments to existing code, we must first find out the current code contains logic so often spent a lot of half-time programmer quipped look at the code, the last time only a few minutes to write the code, so the quality of the existing code analysis will affect (or even determine) the quality of the final code modifications. SourceInsight give programmers a great help in the analysis of the code, I usually main relationship with SourceInsight to view the code in a single file, in a single file on the analysis, recommend the following functions: Author: Caozong Ying Posted 2011-09-01 16:33 Original Link Hong Kong media published photograph of Steve Jobs needs a wheelchair to travel ( 2011-09-02 08:43) HP chairman: Let WebOS like Android authorized money (2011-09-02 funny one liners 08:41).
? Programmer or clown -? Vingel - cnBeta.COM I did not want to insult anyone's meaning, and I was the first one to thank so many years of education and hard work has finally turned me into a professional clown who for programmers. novice, I am full of compassion, in order to help him gentle warm up, I gave him a gentle questions to digestion strange between us and I let Ada write a program on paper, print out "hello" word 10 times I will pick 10 in an interview code examples, a large number of C # and TSQL code, and then ask the interviewer how to evaluate them. Indeed, as often to do this, I have to remember some commentary, like this : I will show you some of the code that are found in the formal code review, they are ready to be released to the customer code that you can think they are compiled, tested to meet the needs requirements. Run working code. For this code, you might be surprised, and I hope that programmers can find this second line of code is completely superfluous. funny one liners
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